
The hardware app lists all modules that are connected to your system. If you wish to obtain a list of module channels, then all elements in this module are clearly displayed and in the correct order, the way they are connected to the module. This view can make it much simpler for you to name the individual elements, since you immediately know which module and which channel you wish to name.

The hardware app is located under “all apps” – “hardware”.

Hierarchically above the modules, you can see which line the module is located in (e.g. SC1 – line 1).


Wenn Sie die TechCOM-Linie öffnen, sehen Sie die Anzahl der verbundenen Module und können nach neuen suchen.


If you open the line, the first thing you will see at the top is general information about the line. The item “cycle time” lets you define the cycle time for your bus line (standard is 200 ms). “Required cycle time” shows the time that is required for the operations. “Total cycle time” is the time required by the bus for a cycle. “Peak” is the peak value of the cycle time. This can be reset using the button “reset peak”.


By opening a module (click on the right-hand area), you will see all necessary information pertaining to this module. The button “display channels” displays the available channels in this module. The button “reset” resets a module, meaning that this module is reset to factors settings.

Module Channels

Click on the left-hand are of the object panel or on the button “displays channels) in the operator panel to see a list of module channels. Taking a light module as an example, you will be able to see the four channels with their corresponding button/movement detector and a light. This is the exact order that the button/movement detector and light are connected to the module, i.e. channel 1 is the light that is connected on the far left of the module.